Louisiana Lions Camp

Debi Landry (mom)

My daughter Rylee Marie Lamb started going to the Lions Camp in 2013, she attended the American Diabetes Association Camp (Camp Victory) when she was 11 years old. She was so overjoyed with meeting new friends and all the fun things they had for the kids to do.

Rylee learned a lot about her diabetes and was introduced to new things. Rylee continued Camp Victory until 2016, it was an awesome experience for her. Rylee still attends the Lions Camp Summer program, it’s been 3 years now and she looks forward to it every year. When we arrive at camp she is so happy to see everyone that comes to greet her, her smile is PRICELESS.

When she returns home from camp she talks about how wonderful everyone was and how much fun she had and that she can’t wait to go back. She talks about the dances, singing, the activities, and the swimming she gets to do. Rylee has become more independent and outgoing since she has attended Lions Camp, she has made many friends throughout the years.

Everyone there has so much compassion for our kids, its shines in their faces and the faces of the children as well. The Lions Camp has become part of our family; it’s a great place for Rylee, she is loved and cared for by all who work and volunteer there, it’s her favorite place to go for the summer, if she could she would go more often, I consider this place her safe haven…God
Debi Landry (mom)