Louisiana Lions Camp


Welcome to the Louisiana Lions Camp website!

Dear Fellow Board Members, Lions, and Friends,

Reflecting on my life, I can thank my parents for life lessons learned.  My mother taugh Special Education and treated her students as normal kids.  My Dad believed in doing for others, without expecting anythin in return.  What better way to honor them than serving on the Louisiana Lions Camp Board of Directors.  

Our Lions Camp, as well as our campers, and the rest of us, face many daily challenges.  Life is not predictable.  With diligence and God's Grace, we can overcome these challenges.  Our Special children are counting on us, let's not let them down.  

Lion Virginia Gilpin
President LLLCC 2021-2022


  • Virginia Gilpin 8-N
  • Carl Cortez 8-S
    1st Vice President
  • Login Morris, PDG 8-L
    2nd Vice President
  • William Arceneaux, PCC 8-O
    3rd Vice President
  • Helen Lemoine 8-N
  • Mike Kennedy, IPDG 8-I
  • Margaret ''Mimi'' Stoker, PDG 8-L
    Short Term Representative
  • Bob Fitzgerald, PDG 8-I
    Short Term Representative
  • Louise Punch, 8S
    Short Term Representative
  • J.W. Harrison, PCC 8-O
    Immediate Past President
  • Jerry Madden, DG 8-L
    Council Represntative

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors is comprised of 40 voting members equally distributed from districts L,I,O,N, and S. Board members attend three annual meetings and work very hard to ensure the success of Louisiana Lions Camp.

our staff

  • Raymond E. Cecil
    Executive Director/ Certified Camp Director
  • Cynthia Lamitina
    Secretary/ Bookkeeping
  • Kelli Strickland
    Office Assistant/ Payroll Clerk
  • Pat Quirk
    Maintenance Supervisor