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On December 6, 1957, the Louisiana Secretary of State formally signed the charter of The Louisiana Lions League for Crippled Children. The newly appointed League arranged to use the facilities at Camp Windywood near Pollock, Louisiana from 1957-1960 while they selected a site. The board members from each District were charged with the selection of a site, and the Board visited 78 possible sites. When these sites were presented at a meeting in the Hotel Bentley in Alexandria, the Leesville Lions Club entered an offer of 100 acres of land with frontage on the soon-to-be-completed Vernon Lake, about 6 miles North of Leesville. The Club offered to buy the land and donate it to the League and brought pledges from groups in Leesville to help maintain the camp if it should be built on that site. The offer of the Leesville Club was accepted, and on May 13, 1959, a deed to the land was executed and presented to the Board at its regular meeting in Monroe on May 22, 1959. After two years of construction on a cash basis, the camp was formally dedicated on July 9, 1961. Today we look forward with anticipation to our ever-expanding programs for Heaven’s Very Special Child.
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(from left to right Addison, Wesley, Dream and Iris, and Parker Gormsen)